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Terms of Services

Our Terms of Service page outlines the agreed-upon provisions, responsibilities, and obligations between Xetanova and our clients, ensuring a transparent and mutually beneficial working relationship.


Read the Terms of Services below.

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By accessing and using the services provided by Xetanova, you agree to comply with the following Terms of Service: Service Provision: a. Xetanova will provide services as outlined in the agreed-upon scope of work or service agreement. b. Any changes to the services or additional work requested may result in adjustments to the timeline and fees, subject to mutual agreement. Confidentiality: a. Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any sensitive information exchanged during the provision of services. b. Xetanova may use subcontractors or third-party service providers, but they will be bound by confidentiality obligations. Intellectual Property: a. All intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets, related to the services provided by Xetanova shall remain with the agency unless otherwise agreed upon in writing. b. The client shall not reproduce, modify, distribute, or use any intellectual property without prior written consent. Payment and Invoicing: a. The client agrees to pay Xetanova according to the agreed-upon payment terms and schedule. b. Invoices shall be issued for services rendered, and payment shall be made within the specified timeframe. Limitation of Liability: a. Xetanova shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use the services provided. b. The client agrees to indemnify and hold Xetanova harmless from any claims, damages, or liabilities resulting from their use of the services. Termination: a. Either party may terminate the services with written notice if the other party breaches any material provision of the agreement. b. Termination shall not relieve the client's obligation to pay for the services rendered up to the termination date. Governing Law and Jurisdiction: a. These Terms of Service shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India. b. Any disputes arising from these Terms of Service shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of India.

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