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Xetanova: Driving the Transition Through CCUS Solutions

What is CCUS and Why Does It Matter?

Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) is a suite of technologies designed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from sources like power plants and industrial facilities. It captures COâ‚‚ at its source, uses it or converts it into valuable products, and then securely stores it deep underground. CCUS plays a crucial role in mitigating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, particularly from sectors where direct emissions reduction is challenging.

Customized Carbon Reduction Solutions

At Xetanova, we understand the important role of CCUS in achieving net-zero emissions. Our tailored solutions address the specific challenges and opportunities in carbon dioxide reduction technology, helping our clients achieve a return on investment while contributing to a sustainable future.

Carbon Pricing and Market Outlooks

Xetanova assesses the outlook for key compliance markets and the voluntary offset market worldwide, including the rapidly growing field of carbon removals. Carbon pricing, through mechanisms such as carbon taxes, emissions trading systems, and crediting mechanisms, is increasingly being used to reduce emissions.

The Carbon Dioxide Value Chain

The benefits of carbon capture and storage (CCS) for reducing greenhouse gas emissions have been recognized for many years. The use of captured carbon (CCUS) is critical in reaching net-zero emissions, as emphasized in key studies. CCUS affects various sectors, including heating, industry, low-carbon hydrogen production, and atmospheric carbon dioxide removal. Limiting global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius will be significantly more challenging without the widespread use of CCUS.

CCUS in the Energy Transition

As governments and the global economy address climate change, CCUS is set to play an increasing role in the energy transition, complementing other emissions reduction technologies like renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Carbon Market Insights and Projections

Xetanova covers several established and emerging compliance markets, providing insights and price forecasts for:

  1. European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)

  2. China's Carbon Market

  3. Key Markets in North America (WCI, RGGI)

  4. Emerging Markets like Australia

  5. The Indian Carbon Market (ICM)

Our Expertise in CCUS Technology

CCUS technologies are crucial in combating climate change. With our deep understanding of CCS technologies, policies, business models, and economics, Xetanova provides reliable and experienced consultancy services for investors looking to reduce carbon emissions.


Xetanova offers global carbon capture consulting services across various engineering and commercial disciplines, including:

  1. Feasibility and Concept Studies

  2. Detailed Asset Development Support

  3. Business Model Development

  4. Cost Reduction and Commercial Due Diligence

  5. Technology Studies and Scenario Building


Xetanova CCUS Solutions

  • Market Entry & Investment Strategy

  • Financial Modelling

  • Commercial & Regulatory Due Diligence

  • Direct Support for CCS and CCUS Projects

  • Assessments of Commercial Models for CCUS Projects and Infrastructure

  • Assessment of CCUS Costs and Cost Reductions

  • Analysis of How CCUS Technologies Fit in the Energy System

  • CCUS Scenarios and Development Pathways for Policy

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