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Who We Are

Imagine a dynamic team of eco-visionaries and business strategists.

That’s us—Xetanova!

We assist you in evolving from your linear state to a more regenerative state with C2C solutions that don’t just promise sustainability—they deliver profitability!

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We are


We provide Green Business Solutions

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Why We Care

Every year, the numbers are staggering

3.8 billion metric tonnes of solid waste dumped.

350 Million metric tonnes of plastic discarded.

37 Billion metric tonnes of Carbon emitted

Foggy Forest

It's time to face the facts and take action.

Cuz, Nature is Finite

And we are Linear

Profit has long overshadowed our planet's needs.

Enough with the half-measures and greenwashing—it's time for a change!

We're stepping into a new era where regenerative practices are not just added extras but the core of business operations. It’s a bold shift, yet crucial for visionary organizations to lead the way towards a sustainable, thriving future, redefining what it truly means to be profitable.

Is Your System Circular?

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What We Do

Volunteer Doing Paperwork

We analyze your carbon footprint and waste pathway.

Business Meeting

We create C2C strategies that reduce waste and generate profits.


We position your brand as an eco-intelligent leader.

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How We Work

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We meticulously chart your path to sustainability, starting with a detailed assessment of your operations. Our strategies align your environmental goals with business objectives, positioning your brand as a leader in ecological innovation.

Who We Work With

Ambitious brands ready to lead in sustainability—startups, SMEs, and corporations looking to redefine industry standards and embrace a greener future.

Our clients are innovators, change-makers, and pioneers in their fields.

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Are You Ready To Be A Part Of The Solution?

At Xetanova, we don’t just talk sustainability — we weave it into the DNA of your brand. Our strategies are built around the powerful cradle-to-cradle philosophy, transforming how you operate from the ground up.

Ready to Go Green? So Are We

Are you ready to turn your vision into reality with us? Let's bring your dream to life and make a lasting impact together!

Let's chat over a Brew

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357, Dakhinamundamuhan
Bhubaneswar, Odisha

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